Welcome to my world of art and wellbeing

Who am I?
I’m Helena, 46 years old, I was born in Portugal and very proud to be from Setúbal, a small country but of great wonders of nature, with lots of sun and sea. Empath, witch, therapist, sensitive, medium and nature lover…these are some words that describe me in general.
My sun sign is Leo, my ascendant is Aquarius and my moon sign is Scorpio… well… it’s a very magical mixture, you don’t even want to know what my Astral Map is like… : )

I love to break prejudices and immerse myself in creative, fanciful and spiritual art with a touch of reality that are effective conduits of expression when words seem inadequate. I use and abuse the colors that reflect an optimistic and loving view of the world around me. I try to create a visual language of love, emotion and spirituality, hoping to bring moments of happiness through my artworks.

Since I was a child, about 7 years old, I have felt energy around me. I spent most of my time in the forest alone where my maternal grandparents’ farm was.

By then I was already talking to the spirits of nature. I spoke with the trees, flowers, plants, animals, I even spoke with stones. Aside from physically walking through the woods alone, I was never really alone.

After several spiritual experiences, when I was 16 years old, I started to delve deeper into the esoteric world, where I started reading tarot. For several years I continued studying the tarot, reading cards for myself and for people I knew. Later I started the pendulum and other divination tools.

As an empath, I feel the energies and emotions that others feel, which is why I often wanted to be isolated from people who were not part of my everyday “bubble”. I am not antisocial, on the contrary, I have a strong desire to serve and help everyone around me, which is part of my empath personality. Which sometimes led me to live other people’s lives and leave mine behind, sometimes I felt lost.

It was in 2008, when I was offered a job opportunity in Brazil, and was when my spiritual awakening improved, where I managed to control the energies I received from others, it was where I took my Shiatsu course, a wonderful teaching that still today, I use it for my well-being and for family and friends. I was part of spiritist groups, and that’s where I also managed to fight my panic attacks, which were nothing more than spiritual attacks.

In 2017, I’m going to live in Germany, once again it was a job opportunity, I had a career in quality and process management in the automotive and logistics industries for several years. Although my job was financially satisfactory, I did not feel that I was professionally complete, even though the quality department gave me the opportunity to use my creativity to solve quality problems or optimize processes. This time I focused on myself and accepted my mission in this world. I gave up my profession and dedicated myself to art and spirituality. That’s where I created my first tarot deck. The first tool, which my spirit guides helped me to create.

Nowadays I am a very grateful person, who communicates daily with the spiritual world, without fear or apprehension. I know that in this life my spirit lives in a female body named Helena, and I have a mission in this world. I hope to be able to continue my learning and share my knowledge of this and other past lives with all of you who follow me on my artistic and spiritual path. Thanks for being there.
